Sele First School

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Year 2 

Year Two (Y2) is the second and final year children spend in KS1.

Children follow the Y2 programmes of study from the Primary National Curriculum published September 2014. Children secure their reading, writing and skills in maths through a number of highly motivating themes and projects such as Take One Picture and during STEM fortnight.

Children take part in a high quality phonic lesson each day for 45 minutes; we follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme.  Children across KS1 (Y1 and Y2) are organised into smaller groups for these lessons based upon their knowledge of phonics.  Progress in phonics is monitored through regular assessments by class teachers and Reading leaders.

Year 2 Teachers - Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Milburn, Mrs. Horne and Miss Strachan 

Y2 Routines and Procedures 2024-25

Y2 Curriculum Map - Autumn 1