Sele First School

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Year 1

Meet the Year One team- Mr Speed, Miss Taylor,  Mrs Coles and Miss Blamire. 


 Y1 Routines and Procedures 2024-2025

Y1 Routines and Procedures 2024-2025


 Y1 Curriculum Map Autumn Term 1 2024-2025

y1 autumn 1 curriculum 2024 25.pdf



Year One (Y1) is an exciting time when children start to learn subjects through motivating cross curricular themes.

Children make the transition from Early Years (EY) to Key Stage One (KS1).  They follow the Y1 programmes of study from the Primary National Curriculum published September 2014. To support the transition from EY to Y1, children take part in provision based activities carefully planned around the curriculum document. This allows all children to adapt to new routines and expectations in a familiar environment.

Children take part in a high quality phonic lesson each day for 45 minutes; we follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme.  Children across KS1 (Y1 and Y2) are organised into smaller groups for these lessons based upon their knowledge of phonics.  Progress in phonics is monitored through regular assessments by class teachers and Reading leaders.

Children nationally take the Y1 phonics screening check in June each year and results are reported to parents in their child’s Annual Report.  The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.  Children who do not achieve the standard score are able to retake the check in Y2.  Tests are administered internally by teachers.

