Year 1
Meet the Year One team- Mr Speed, Miss Taylor, Mrs Coles and Miss Blamire.
Y1 Routines and Procedures 2024-2025
Y1 Routines and Procedures 2024-2025
Y1 Curriculum Map Spring Term 1 2024-2025
Year One (Y1) is an exciting time when children start to learn subjects through motivating cross curricular themes.
Children make the transition from Early Years (EY) to Key Stage One (KS1). They follow the Y1 programmes of study from the Primary National Curriculum published September 2014. To support the transition from EY to Y1, children take part in provision based activities carefully planned around the curriculum document. This allows all children to adapt to new routines and expectations in a familiar environment.
Children take part in a high quality phonic lesson each day for 45 minutes; we follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. Children across KS1 (Y1 and Y2) are organised into smaller groups for these lessons based upon their knowledge of phonics. Progress in phonics is monitored through regular assessments by class teachers and Reading leaders.
Children nationally take the Y1 phonics screening check in June each year and results are reported to parents in their child’s Annual Report. The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. Children who do not achieve the standard score are able to retake the check in Y2. Tests are administered internally by teachers.
Wednesday 12 March 2025 Writing in Year One This half term, Year One have been using the Old Bear stories as a stimulus for writing. We've learned lots about the characters and enjoyed listening to their adventures.
Friday 21 February 2025 Year One STEM 2025 Year One have had a brilliant STEM fortnight, from making bogey bottles and slime to visits from Zoolab and Professor Brainstorm.
Tuesday 28 January 2025 Traditional Tales - The Three Little Pigs It felt like STEM came early for Year One this week, as they were tasked to design and make houses for the Three Little Pigs.
Wednesday 22 January 2025 Gingerbread Men This week, Year One have been baking gingerbread. After reading the traditional tale on Monday, our tummies were rumbling for some gingerbread biscuits!
Monday 13 January 2025 Strange beanstalk found in Year One corridor! There was a sense of mystery surrounding the Year One corridor this morning as a strange giant beanstalk and packet of magic beans was found outside of 1S and 1T.
Wednesday 27 November 2024 Year One Computing This half term, Year One have linked their learning in Science into their Computing projects and have created their own spider diagrams using the app Freeform, on the iPads.
Friday 15 November 2024 Odd Socks Day in Year One Today, children have been thinking about what makes them special and unique. They created a background for a piece of art consisting of their favourite colours and then attached a black and white picture of themselves. They then thought about traits that they have that they are proud of and wrote some positive affirmations about themselves. The children came up with some lovely ideas about each other as well.
Tuesday 15 October 2024 Year One in the Art Studio What a great way to kick off the week for Year One as we had our day in the Art Studio on Monday.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 KS1 Curriculum Evening A big thank you to those of you who were able to attend last night's Key Stage One Curriculum Evening, hosted by the KS1 Team.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 Our Delft plates are almost done!! This week, Year One have been painting their Delft plates. We learned that a coat was not just something that you wear in bad weather, it can also mean another layer of paint! This was needed to give them their bright, white background. We then added the fine blue detail making them resemble the typical Royal Delft style. We've now got to varnish them so that they harden and shine! We're really proud of our pottery and can't wait to display them for all to see!
Wednesday 25 September 2024 Year One Pottery Studio What an exciting start to the week we have had in Year One! Children have been working with clay to make their own Delft plates. First we made a ball, then we rolled it to the correct depth using a rolling pin and some depth marking guides. Next we cut the clay with the tools into a circle and pressed it into a mould to give it its shape. Hopefully next week we'll be able to paint and glaze the plates before displaying them. Have a look at these potters in action!
Wednesday 11 September 2024 Year One Delft plates and more... Taking inspiration from this year's Take One Picture - A Courtyard of a house in Delft' - Year One have been looking at Delft pottery on the creative table. The children have designed and made a mock-up of their very own Delft plate. They were challenged to make their Delft plate look as close to their design as they could.