Sele First School

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School Meals 

Universal Free Meals:  The universal free school initiative whereby all pupils from Reception to Y2 receive a hot, nutritiously balanced meal each day continues in school this year.

We are aiming for 100% take up for midday hot meals, with all children enjoying and taking part in our family service.  The benefits are far reaching in terms of health, behaviour and the development of social skills.

Even if your child is eligible for universal free school meals it still pays to apply for Free School Meals if you qualify as you will be entitled to additional benefits such as free school milk, reductions in the cost of school music lessons and a 20% discount on all uniform purchased through the school.

Free School Meals: If you are in receipt of Child Tax Credit, with no Working Tax Credit (income below £16,190), Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Income Based Employment and Support Allowance, Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or fall under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 you may be entitled to qualify for free school meals. Just call 0845 6006400 to apply immediately over the phone.  Alternatively you can log on to to apply online.

Parents and Carers Free School Meals_Information

KS2 Healthy Packed Lunches:  We are a Healthy School. We ask that sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps are not included in packed lunches. We appreciate your cooperation and support in keeping lunch boxes healthy.

Nut Free School:  We are a nut free school, this includes packed lunches.

Dietary Forms: Dietary Forms will be sent out to each child in school next week to capture any information the school and school kitchen needs to help ensure we have up to date information on special dietary requirements such as allergies, intolerances and preferences. We would ask for all parents to read this form and return to school, completing as a nil return if there are no such needs.

Sele First 2024 Lunch Menu

 Sele First Menu 2024 - 2025