Sele First School

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Reception’s Take One Picture

This week Reception began their study of A Courtyard of a House in Delft. Drawing on the arches and bricks in the painting, they have been printing with Duplo. Having enjoyed tracing last week, children traced a variety of arches and chose to add their own colours. They also drew what was behind their own imaginary door, with ideas ranging from fairies to Roman soldiers!

In Maths, Reception played a game of Dinosaur Subitising, where they tried to ‘see’ rather than count a small amount of dinosaurs in a few seconds, before the lid was put back on and they were hidden again. Children showed the amount with their hands or called it out. Some gave reasons why, e.g. it’s 3 because it’s 2 and 1. They played subitising games, making ‘4 city’ using 4 multilink to make houses in different ways. 

Reception￿s Take One Picture